A Prayer for Pastor Michael Todd

Heavenly Father I praise You for people like Reverend Michael Todd. I praise You for brothers and sisters in Christ who seek Unity not division. I praise You for his authorship and faithfulness and he wrote his book, Crazy Faith, which gave out wisdom for all of us to really take a look at what faith means. I praise You for his faithfulness to be HOT, Humble, Open and Transparent. That is how we meet people where they are at and present our Jesus. 

Holy Spirit I ask that You put a hedge of protection around Michael and his family and protect them from evil and harm. I also pray that You bind discouragement, depression, apathy, bitterness, from them. I ask that You loose upon them joy, love, compassion, passion and healing. 

Holy Spirit continue to give Michael a double blessing of Caleb Spirit being a unique and different person but one with faith that moves mountains, takes on Giants and yet is patient to wait upon Your timing. Bless Michael with more creativity and wisdom to continue to write books, speak out to people through the different forms of media and through his church. 

Holy Spirit touch Michael’s lip so they can speak for You in all that he does. We ask that Your Spirit goes before him and prepare people’s hearts to hear what You are saying through him. Embolden his heart and bring people into his life who will keep him accountable and will encourage him at all times. Raise up people to protect him in prayer and to pray for growth of Your salvation in all his projects. 

Holy Spirit encourage Michael and His wife as they have a special needs son who is a blessing but requires special love and consideration. Give them people who can walk beside them and give them breaks when they need it and to encourage them along this path so that they shine as Your stars to Your glory of Your creation even if the world does not understand. In all praise to You, Jesus, our Savior, Amen.