Being United in Faith

Heavenly Father I praise You for being one of many adopted sons and daughters in Your family.  I praise You for having this family of believers for building up my faith and confidence so that I can serve with my gifts and abilities for Your kingdom. Help me to always be honoring to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ even if we are not all of the same doctrine we are of the same faith in Jesus Christ as our savior and the Holy Spirit as our comfort and guide while we live here on the Earth.  We all are aliens waiting to go to our real home someday and to live with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

Holy Spirit help me and others to have encouragement from being united with Christ, with comfort from his love, common sharing in the Spirit, demonstrating tenderness and compassion so that we make Christ’s joy complete for being like-minded, having the same love, being of one spirit and of one mind. Help us to not do anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility let us value others above ourselves, not looking to our own interest but each of us to the interests of others. Help us in our relationships with one another to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:1-5, NIV)

Heavenly Father teach us to pray Your word, trust in Your word, learn from Your word so that we can learn Jesus our Savior who is the word.  Help me as I lead others to pray that I do it from humility, honesty, truth, and discerning of the Holy Spirit.  Let my words be few, but Your words to be powerful for us so that we can witness You in our lives and see change.  Let everyone who prays with me and reads these prayers on this site to be encouraged and grow in our understanding of how to live for Christ and with each other.  Help us to pray in a way that we will change our families, communities, states, country and the world.  Help us to be bold, courageous, but discerning in how we pray and what we pray for.  Help us to desire what You desire, and learn to see the world the way You see the world so that we can love the way You love us. 

Now may the Lord direct our hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ. And let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to You, our rock and redeemer. Amen. (2 Thess.  3:5 and Psa. 19:14 NIV)