Dead to Sin

Heavenly Father You deserve all and any glory we can give to You. I praise You for creation, for salvation, for allowing Christ to live among us to be an example and for letting the Holy Spirit work in our lives now. I praise You for the hope not only of salvation but of heaven and eternity with You. I praise You that we are not looking at a life in eternity playing harps and sitting on clouds but that we will actually live life the way You originally intended us live. We will have full fellowship and communication with You and be able to see You. 

Holy Spirit help me to get my life to where I am so focused on what You desire that I lose all capability of giving into temptations that are placed before me to separate me from our relationship. No sin, is worth the separation from You. As Paul wrote to the Romans, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may increase? God forbid! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?” [Romans 6:1-3] Holy Spirit help me to truly be dead to my rights, my desires, my wants and be living in the Spirit, living in the Way and living life the way I was created to live. 

Holy Spirit teach me to truly commit to being a living sacrifice daily and to seek and know Your will. Let me be led by Your Spirit to pray within Your will to see wonders, miracles and healings done to help build Your kingdom. I will continue to pray for the healing for Jim Klingenburg, Kayla Smith, Little Trinity and many others. I will pray for the growth of the churches and pastors who have been given to me as a responsibility to support in prayer. I will continue to pray with the faith that You can do great things in these churches.

Holy Spirit I join with the congregation of the Millington Church of God as they are doing 40 days of prayer seeking You to lead them in getting a new pastor since the current pastor is retiring. I pray that the right person, with the gifts necessary to continue to grow, motivate and feed the people of this church and give them a vision that the congregation can buy into and see You move in mighty ways. 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, my savior, redeemer, my counselor, my God and my companion who knows everything there is to know all about me. To Christ who is my advocate to the Father and prays over me daily, to the Father who knew me before I was formed and created me with a purpose, and to the Holy Spirit who guides, comforts and helps me be obedient I say, Amen. Amen.