Drinking Deep of Your Living Water

O Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but You. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly. [Psalm 5:1-3, NLT]

Holy Spirit Your word says that Daniel prayed morning, noon, and night. James tells us that when a righteous person prays much can be accomplished. The author of Hebrews tells us that when we pray that we enter the throne room where our intercessor Jesus sits on the throne constantly interceding to the Father on our behalf. Paul tells us to pray without ceasing. And all four gospels records that Christ while here on earth as a human often went off to pray. The disciples understood the importance so well that they asked Christ to teach them to pray, not preach, not perform miracles, not show signs.

Holy Spirit I have been exposed to prayer since I was little. I have observed others who were great prayer warriors during my lifetime. I have read of accounts of men and women who prayed ahead of revivals, prayed for protection for their countries during wars, and prayed for orphanages to be supplied with all their needs. Help me to pick up this mantle and pray for others and stand in the gap to help Your kingdom get a strong foothold here on the earth while I live. Help me to demonstrate to others the importance of staying fully in a relationship with God through prayer.

Holy Spirit, Christ told us that His sheep hear their shepherd’s voice, help me to hear your voice clearly and be obedient to follow it. Help me to block out all distractions and truly listen and understand what You are telling me to do. You created me for a purpose, unique to me, but to fit into the puzzle or body of all believers to serve You and to worship You. Give me the wisdom to fully see, understand, and live this purpose and to know fulfillment, joy, and peace.

Grace and peace will be multiplied to me through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given to me all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of God who has called me to His glory and excellence, by which He has given to me exceedingly great and precious promises so that through these things I might become a partaker of the divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. For this reason, help me to make every effort to add virtue to my faith; and to my virtue, knowledge, and to my knowledge, self-control; and to my self-control, patient endurance; and to my patient endurance, godliness; and to my godliness, brotherly kindness; and to my brotherly kindness love. For if all of these reside in me and abound, they will ensure that I will neither be useless nor unfruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord. Help me to diligently make my calling and election sure so that when I add all these areas into my life I will not stumble and will be able to enter into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ which will be abundantly provided for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 2 Peter 1:3-11 MEV version