Following the Example of the Early Church

Heavenly Father I praise You for the seasons we go through. I praise You for winter when we get the cold to kill of all the allergens and snow to blanket the earth to begin the replenishment time. I praise You for the spring when new life begins to rise up and the warmth starts to help us get out more. I praise You for the summer time when plants can grow, people can enjoy the lakes, streams, and forests that You created. I praise You for the fall when we bring in the harvest of our labors, the weather starts to chill and often we have camp fires to enjoy the stars in the sky. All of this is like our lives also. 

Holy Spirit I come today and ask for healing for Jim who still is fighting cancer. I ask for protection and healing for my grandson who is getting his tonsils and adenoids removed today. Help him to not be scared or hurt too bad. Holy Spirit I continue to ask for healing for Kayla and Trinity. Holy Spirit we continue to ask for mercy for our nation on the COVID situation and all those who are seriously sick from it.

Holy Spirit help me and others to start to have the faith of the early Christians when Luke recorded in the book of Acts, “Many signs and wonders were performed among the people by the hands of the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon’s Porch. No one else dared join them, but the people respected them. Believers were increasingly added to the Lord, crowds of both men and women, so that they even brought the sick out into the streets and placed them on beds and mats, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might touch some of them. Crowds also came out of the cities surrounding Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those who were afflicted by evil spirits, and they were all healed.” [Acts 5:12-16] Holy Spirit help us to get into a true season of prayer and fasting so that we can see this begin to happen again in our churches. Remind us to always glorify You and never take the credit for this. Help us to be like Jesus and not make a public display but allow word of mouth only to occur. Help us to once again claim Your Power but also understand that Your will must be done. 

We praise You for being our king and creator, and we give thanks for when You heal and do wonders to continue to astound us of who You are. Lets never forget that nothing is impossible for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.