I Take My Stand

Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are Your deeds! So great is Your power that Your enemies cringe before You. All the earth bows down to You; they sing praise to You, they sing the praises of Your name.” Come and see what God has done, His awesome deeds for mankind! He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot—come, let us rejoice in Him. He rules forever by His power, His eyes watch the nations—let not the rebellious rise up against Him. Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of His praise be heard. [Psalm 66:1-8]

I will not let my heart be troubled. I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which all make up the trinity. I also stand on the promise from Christ that He has gone to prepare a place for me and will come back and take me there some day. [John 14:1-4] I also stand on the faith that by accepting Christ as my Savior and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me as I walk through this life, I will have my name written in the book of life and I will see Jesus someday. I live with a hope and a faith that this world is not my home, but it is the testing ground for something far greater for me in eternity. I also know that I am to be light for everyone to see Christ who lives within me. I am not perfect, yet I strive for perfection and righteousness. I am not important, yet I am a child of the Living God. I am weak, yet through the Holy Spirit I am made strong. I am foolish, yet my fear of God is the beginning of wisdom within me. I live in a broken, evil, sinful world, but one day I will live as God intended for me to live with righteousness, completeness and purpose.

Holy Spirit help me to feed daily upon God’s word so that I can grow and demonstrate that I can divide the word properly and learn to live as I was created, even though this world is not my home. Let me understand and discern how to communicate articulately to others, family, friends, co-workers and strangers I come in contact with daily. Let my life be about Jesus and my focus be about giving Him all the glory for whatever I may accomplish in my life. Never let me blame Him for my failures but own them as battle scars to remind me that I am not perfect but that I continue to push forward to do all of God’s will for me in life.

Holy Spirit help me to be wise with anything and all things that will continue me on the path I must walk before I leave this world. Help me to demonstrate love and to learn to listen much better than I have. Help me to be a helper not someone who interferes all the time. Let me praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit every hour I am awake in each day that I take a breath here on the earth. Lead me to be useful. Help me to always to acknowledge You in all that I do and all that I am. In Jesus’ name, Amen.