Just Walking with the Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father this past Year has been a constant barrage of tests and tribulation. Last January our power went out and our basement flooded. In February I was in a truck accident because a person ran a stop sign breaking my left wrist.  I had to work light duty for three and a half months listening to prisoner phone calls instead of teaching.  In February Covid hit and Philip had to do college online making it more difficult for him. In March we lost Philip. In April we lost an Uncle who was dear to us.  In May I lost a fellow teacher who was younger than me.  In May we lost my father-in-law.  In October I was in the hospital for a week because of being septic. At the end of October they closed the school down and I started working in other areas of the prison.  This February I started feeling pain, and in May I had surgery and found out that what was removed was cancerous.

Through all of this time I have had doubts, fears, and depression, yet I had my hope in You to sustain me.  I was able to write, and because of the blessing of friends these writings will become books for people to use to learn how to pray scripture and have for a devotional.  I have not always handles all these times with grace, as I should have.  I have doubted at times of why I am still here.  I can only try to lean on You more and trust my family more.  I praise You for all those who pray for me and with me for others.  I praise You for all those who have either bought my book or follow on the website.  I praise You for the chance to have a way to honor You and my son by making any and all profit go to charity.

Holy Spirit I acknowledge I have a long way to go to be a good person let alone a faithful servant.  I pray that You will continue to work in my life and continue to have patience with me.  I pray that You will continue to prompt me and help me to read and understand the Bible.  I pray You will help me to learn to apply it in what I do in life.  I pray You will help me to be a better husband and a better father and grandfather.  I pray You will give us wisdom and the doctors wisdom of what to do next when my CT scan is done. I pray You will show mercy to my family for all they have been through this past year and because of me.  I pray You will lift them up, encourage their hearts, give them strength, rest and demonstrate Your love to them.  I pray that You will bless them for their patience and their kindness.  

Help me to truly ingrain with in me Psalms 23 from the Israel Bible—Hashem is my shepherd; I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me to water in places of repose; He renews my life; He guides me in right paths as befits His name. Though I walk through a valley of deepest darkness, I fear no harm, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff – they comfort me. You spread a table for me in full view of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil, my drink is abundant. Only goodness and steadfast love shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of Hashem for many long years.  Thank You Jesus’ for being my Savior, God for being my Father, and for You, Holy Spirit for being my comfort and my guide in life.  Amen.