Learning from a Child

Heavenly Father I praise You for the honesty of children, the wonder of children and the desire to know that most children possess.  I praise You for the example Christ gave us to not ignore children but to take great interest in them, since often they understand the important things in life that we have forgot.  I praise You that we have to grow in our spiritual walk just as we have to grow in our physical life.  I praise You for allowing us to make mistakes without judgement and the love You give us for our trying.  I praise You for knowing me so well even to the depth of my heart and what my intent is in what I do.

Holy Spirit I ask as James instructed us to do for wisdom, I seek the wisdom to know what God’s will each day is for me.  I desire the wisdom of how to understand the scriptures so that I can grow in understanding.  I lean on Your wisdom to know what to say and when to say it. Holy Spirit I need Your wisdom in how to deal with the difficult times in my life, and how to work through them without losing my joy.  I need Your wisdom to be strong in my faith and to wisely proclaim Your promises.  I seek Your wisdom in how to move on in life after devastating events like losing my son, or having cancer, or when I am discouraged with my job and see no value in it, or when I am troubled by the way the people in my country are acting and treating each other.  Help me to remember I am just passing through and that my destination is only dependent on keeping my faith and relationship with You.  

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, my rock and my redeemer. [Psa. 19:14]  Help me to always remember that You sent your son not to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.[John3:16&17] Lead me in all Your ways so that I do not lean onto my own understanding. {Prov. 3:5] In Jesus’ name, amen.