Personal Prayer Concerns

Heavenly Father it has been a while since I did a formal prayer for my partners to join me in prayer but I feel I need to put these before all of them to join and unite with me in prayer and to shake our world. I praise You for faithful friends and prayer warriors I can count on to pray with me.  

Holy Spirit I continue to pray over Kayla, help her to get answers to what is wrong in her body. Help her and the specialists find out what is wrong and how to make a plan to get her to full health. I pray if it is in Your will to heal her, for I know nothing is impossible for You. If it is not in Your will, help Kayla to be like Paul and live with this thorn in her flesh. Continue to grow Kayla’s testimony and grow her faith. Speak to her and into her. Give Kayla wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment to face every day of life. Bless her with work that will honor You and help her to become a self-sufficient adult with purpose. Bless her, her mother, and her grandmother as they all worship You faithfully.  

Let me abide in You, and Your words abide in me, so I can ask what I desire and have learned from You to desire, and then it shall be done for I believe Your word to be true. By this, the Father is glorified, and I may bear much fruit so I can become Your disciple. [John 15:7&8] I also bear the responsibility and love for family and friends to pray for the intercession of those who either do not know You, have turned from You, or blame You for their lot in life. I pray for their salvation and forgiveness for their pride, anger, bitterness, or sinful desires. I faithfully bring these before You: Jack, Luke, Amanda, Eva, Isabelle, Quinten, Trent, Asa, Wyatt, Joshua, Sophia, Aletha, Josh, Brenna, Caleb, Rueben, and Sam. I come before You and continue to ask for them to be prodded, pushed, scared, or whatever it takes to lead them to salvation. I pray that You will not turn them over to their desires. 

I continue to lift Emma, Akierra, Amber, Olivia, Margaret Madalynne, Moriah, Kaylene, Darren, Noah, and Dallas to You. These young people are in college or their senior year in college or have just finished college and need to be constantly lifted in prayer. I pray for their protection, for their success in learning, I pray they grow comfortable with their testimony, and that they begin to see signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. I pray they will become bold in their faith and learn to trust, lean on You, and grow in their faith. I pray that You will teach them what to say and when to say it. I pray they learn to listen and gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I pray that they make a mark on this world for your kingdom.  

Holy Spirit I lift my church [Millington Church of God], Sherwood Free Methodist Church, Green Country Church, Clarkston Free Methodist Church, Lansing Central Church, and all the churches of the different prayer warriors who join me in prayer that I can’t remember or do not have the room to place here. I ask that You lift them to be beacons in their community where people can come to be made whole by salvation. Help these churches to be Your hands and feet as they serve the broken, the hopeless, the least of these, and those who need to see love, unity, and hope. Help these churches learn to unite in prayer and to be the place where Your Kingdom is seen in action. Lift the pastors of these churches to stand on the principles of Your word and to allow Your Holy Spirit to speak through them. Use these congregations to serve, love and most of all pray. 

Holy Spirit I pray for my grandchildren to be safe to learn of salvation, to grow mighty in You, to be healthy, and to succeed in school and learning. I pray for my children as they are now adults that You will lead them and direct their paths. I pray that You would be with my wife, help her health, and open her eyes to Your love once more. Watch over and heal my father who has cellulitis in his face and for my mother’s health as she takes care of my dad. Help me to be the husband, father, and grandfather I need to be and honor You. Help me to pray with sincerity and humility. Help the families of the people who are in this prayer group with me and bless them.  

Now I urge you, brethren, to note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore, I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you. Amen. (Romans 16:17-20)