Showing Mercy, Blesses me with Mercy

(The Beautitudes)

Heavenly Father I praise You demonstrating mercy when I say harmful things or mess up badly.  I praise You for Your grace which allowed me to have salvation and become an adopted heir to heaven.  I praise You for bringing people into my life that have challenged me to be real and honest with who I am in You. 

Holy Spirit Christ said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”  I realize that mercy can mean many things and can be demonstrated in many ways.  I praise You for testimonies I have listened to such as Corrie Tin Boom who had an opportunity to ruin a former Nazi Prison Guard but instead demonstrated mercy when he asked for forgiveness.  Mercy is often forgiving people when they truly seek it after doing something wrong or badly.  Mercy can also be compassion on people who need us to defend them. Mercy can be love like when Christ died on the cross for our sins.  Sometimes we step in and take the brunt of something to demonstrate mercy to someone. Mercy can be empathy when we truly listen and feel sorry for someone who has faced troubles in their life. 

Holy Spirit help me to be merciful so that when I am in need of mercy from others they will feel freer about giving it to me.  I praise You for the mercy Christ demonstrated for me on the cross when He died for my sins so that I would not (by accepting His gift of salvation) be condemned to hell for eternity.  Holy Spirit I praise You for the people who have demonstrated mercy to me, when I lost my son and feel so responsible.  

Holy Spirit help me to merciful when I can to either pay it forward for those who were merciful to me in the past or for those who will be merciful to me in the future. Help me to demonstrate mercy by the words I use, by the actions I do in front of others especially those less fortunate that myself.  In Jesus’ name, amen.