Speaking with Boldness Not Hate

Heavenly Father I praise You for the gift of sending us Your Holy Spirit to walk with us and communicate and commune with us daily. I praise You for Christ being our advocate and praying and singing over us daily. I praise You for teaching us what true love is and what forgiveness means. 

Holy Spirit I seek to renew within me and the churches I pray over to be like the church in Acts when it says, “When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” Holy Spirit help us as Your people to unite in prayer to see Your power once again shake the very foundation of our communities so that we can see change. Help us to pray with such unity that You will fill us with boldness to speak Your word. Help us to allow You to direct our words, our attitudes and for You to change people’s hearts. I realize that speaking with boldness does not mean hate speech, does not mean I judge people, it means that I am not afraid to claim You as my God and that Your way is why we were created and our purpose in life can only be fully fulfilled by doing Your will and being dead to sin. 

Holy Spirit lead the churches in our communities, in our states and in our country to get down on their needs and pray with unity. Help us to be like Daniel and pray for forgiveness and mercy for our people. Help us to pray with sincerity like David and help us to pray with a heart of a rebuilder like Nehemiah. Help us to speak up with a boldness that will catch the world off guard. Help us to be so full of the Holy Spirit that we abandon our preconceived ideas of what to say and speak with the words of our savior. Help us to speak with boldness about forgiveness, salvation and the everlasting joy that we should all be sharing. Help us to pray with a faith that will see lives changed, people healed, communities become safe again, and sin and hate defeated. Help us to live a bold life not based on a political agenda but a God agenda. Help me to serve the kingdom of God, and not worry about man’s temporary governments. Help me to act upright in front of all people and to be open to Your will at all times. Renew my mind constantly so that I do not get distracted with the inticements of sin and rebellion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.