The Two Becoming One

Heavenly Father, I praise for my wife. I praise You for the experience of having someone who I can be so vulnerable too. I praise You that I know she loves me enough to push me to be better, bring me up short when I am lying to myself and to comfort me when I hurt. She allows me to vent, and she supports me when I attempt new things. Most of all, she trusts me enough to show her true self also. She trusts me enough to want my opinion.

Holy Spirit, Your word tells us that finding a wife is a good thing. Your word also says in many places that when two people get married they went and knew each other. For the longest time I thought this was strange way to word the consummation of marriage, but now I understand that “knowing each other” means that we strip away all the pretenses, all the fronts we put out for others to see, and become fully vulnerable, open and exposed to each other. The reason that marriage is so important to God is twofold. First, marriage teaches us how to be fully vulnerable and how two can become one. Second, marriage gives us the best example of how God loves the church. Christ’s complete surrender to become fully human, and to die such a gruesome death for our sins so that we could have salvation is the greatest example of being all in on a relationship.

Holy Spirit help me to always be fully vulnerable to my wife and she to me. Help me to never betray that trust that exists between us. She is my desire and sole purpose of what my life looks like. Yes, I have my own personality and direction, but my walk is completely dependent on her being completely on board with who I am and what I do. My greatest joys in life have come when I see her find joy in life. My greatest heartaches have been when she has been wounded or hurt. I can only imagine how You feel about us, Your people when we are hurt or attacked and how You feel about me when I struggle with grief, failure or pain.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Galatians 1:3-5)