Understanding Wisdom from Job

The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him and hope in His mercy. Our Father, which are in heaven, You are worthy of our praise. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord from the heavens; Praise in the heights! Praise Him all His Angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! Let them praise the name of the Lord. For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. [Psalms 145:13 & 18; Psalm 147:11; Psalms 148:1&2 &13] 

Holy Spirit Your word says and comes from Your favored son Job: “Truly, I know it is so, but how can a man be righteous with God? If one would dispute with Him, he cannot answer Him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered? He who removes mountains, and they know not, who overturns them in His anger. He who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble. He who commands the sun, and it does not rise; he seals off the stars. He who alone spreads out the heavens, and treads on the waves of the sea. He who makes the Bear, Orion, and Pleiades, and the constellations of the south. He who does great things beyond discovery, yes, and wonders beyond number. Yes, He would cross before me, and I would not see Him; He could pass on by, but I would not perceive Him. Yes, He takes away; who can hinder Him? Who will say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’ God will not withdraw His anger. The proud helpers bow down beneath Him. ‘How, then, can I myself answer Him, and choose my words to reason with Him? Even if I were righteous, I could not answer; I would plead to my Judge for favor.” [Job 9:1-15] Also in Your word it says: “Is not My word like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” [Jeremiah 23:29] 

Holy Spirit I kneel in awe of my Creator, my Savior and my Comforter. I know that I am not worthy of salvation, yet I am offered such a precious gift through Christ. I know that I am not righteous on my own but through Jesus I am righteous. I am set apart, a new child of God, Holy and loved, not because of what I have done or will do, but because of the sacrifice of the cross and the resurrection power of the empty tomb. You made me, with purpose and a plan. Let me live my life so that I honor that every second, minute, hour and day that I walk this earth and breathe. My faith may seem simple, but with the power and anointing from Christ I am a new creature, fully armored and ready to fulfill the life My Savior desires of me. Let me pray Your words so that I pray fire to burn away the lies of Satan and hammer to pieces the thoughts and foolishness of this world that tries to consume me. Let me be the living sacrifice I was meant to be each day and to renew my mind with Your word so that I see clearly, think clearly, act righteously and am not easily mislead towards sin. Help my desires be fully and completely consumed with doing Your will and not my own.  

I pray and ask that I may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that I may walk worthy of You, fully pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You; strengthened with all might, according to Your glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified me to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in the light. You have delivered me from the power of darkness and conveyed me into the kingdom of the Son of Your love, in whom I have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. You are the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by You all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through You for You. And You are before all things, and in You all things consist. And You are the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things You may have the preeminence. In Your blessed Son Jesus’ name, Amen. (Colossians 1:9-18)