What Kind of Shepherd is God

Heavenly Father I praise You for today. I praise You for the season of prayer I had through the night last night. I praise You for having Monday off so I could take time to pray and go deeper. I praise You for teaching me how to command the morning.

Holy Spirit I have read a lot of references of God, Jesus being the great shepherd, the good shepherd, and so on. I have often let this go without really seeing what You are saying to us. First, I understand, myself included, that we are often as stupid as sheep. We do not know what is good for us, we are very ornery, and go where we should not because we think the grass is better somewhere else. Well, I am learning that a good shepherd, keeps his sheep together (like the church), he makes them progressively move when eating so they do not destroy the grass. He has a staff to prevent them from straying and he keeps them away from fast-moving water so they do not drown or get swept away. He keeps predators at bay and will heal cuts, abrasions, and broken bones.

Holy Spirit help me to learn to trust in You to guide me, correct me, and protect me. Teach me to listen so I know Your voice. Help me to stay with the group so that I am stronger and to keep me moving so I do not spoil the ground from which I learn. Help me to learn to rest when it is the right time and move when it is the right time.

Holy Spirit help me to set at the table You have prepared for me even though my enemies are all around me. Let me be better than Peter and keep my eyes and focus on You and not allow the raging storms or deception or doubt to distract me from the real food You have prepared for me. Let me learn to be strong and courageous. You, O Lord, are my shepherd; I shall not want. You make me lie down in green pastures; You lead me beside still waters and You restore my soul; You lead me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in Your house forever. [Psalm 23]

You say that if we are Your sheep we will know Your voice, let me trust in that voice. In Jesus’ name, amen.