Why I do What I Do

Heavenly Father, I praise You for being alive, breathing, moving, and living. I praise You for all of Your creation. I praise You for being the Lord of my life and for the purpose and desires You have invested into who I am. I praise You that I take command of my morning through Your Holy Spirit and declare that today I will live as a living sacrifice with my focus and renewed my knowing, understanding, and doing Your perfect will.  

Therefore, whether I eat or drink, or whatever I do, I will do all to the glory of God. [1 Corinthians 10:31] Let this be the cry of my heart. Holy Spirit You have walked with me for over 42 years and have led me through good, bad, hard, and joyful times. You have spoken to my heart, comforted me, and emboldened me to continue walking when I felt lost, alone, or afraid. I have learned the value of Your word, Your presence, and the power of prayer. I have learned to pray from my heart and to pray Your word back to You claiming Your promises, consecrating Your statutes in my heart, and using the breath of Your word to fill my lungs with praise for who You are and who You are to me. I write these prayers to embolden others to learn to lean on Your word for wisdom when they want to enter Your throne room and petition You. I wrote my books because of the inspiration You gave me to write, teach, and heal from losing my son. I also set it up for all the profits to go to charity so that I could continue to further Your kingdom. I pay for my website each month so people can go to it to get prayers or learn to pray scriptures. I have prayed over pastors, conferences, churches, friends, college students, and people who need healing like my dear friend Kayla who desperately needs some miracles in her life. I have prayed over family and I mostly pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment so that I can live my life as I was created to live. Prayer is a very deep passion of my life now. I have studied, read, researched, and listened to many different Spirit-filled people on prayer. I have been mentored by people of prayer like Dan Shinabarger. I have spoken on prayer. I have also failed at important times to pray. That is a shame I will carry for a very long time. But it is also what motivates me to move forward and not give up. Christ has instilled in me the fighting spirit that when I fail when I fall, I will get up, seek Him, and push forward to be better, stronger, and more aware of who He is in my life. This is why I pray and this is why I live my life the way I do.  

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. In the name of Jesus, I cry Amen.